E-ISSN 2534-9821

Case Report
Online Published: 24 Jan 2022

MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity

Lorena Stella, Joana Tenente, Rita Quental, Helena Santos, Miguel Leo.

Obesity has become one of the major health risks worldwide. The role of the central nervous system (CNS) in the development of monogenic and syndromic obesity is still not entirely characterized. Over the last decade, pathogenic variants involving the MYTL1 gene, which has functions in hypothalamic neurogenesis, have been described as causing a nonspecific clinical phenotype that commonly includes intellectual disability (ID), early onset of obesity and speech delay. Here, we report the case of a Portuguese patient carrying duplications involving the MYT1L gene.

Key words: hyperphagia, infancy-onset obesity, intellectual disability, speech delay, MYT1L

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Pubmed Style

Stella L, Tenente J, Quental R, Santos H, Leo M. MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. 2022; 6(2): 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

Web Style

Stella L, Tenente J, Quental R, Santos H, Leo M. MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. https://www.mdpub.net/?mno=140417 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Stella L, Tenente J, Quental R, Santos H, Leo M. MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. 2022; 6(2): 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Stella L, Tenente J, Quental R, Santos H, Leo M. MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. (2022), [cited September 12, 2024]; 6(2): 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

Harvard Style

Stella, L., Tenente, . J., Quental, . R., Santos, . H. & Leo, . M. (2022) MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. Int J Med Rev Case Rep, 6 (2), 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

Turabian Style

Stella, Lorena, Joana Tenente, Rita Quental, Helena Santos, and Miguel Leo. 2022. MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 6 (2), 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

Chicago Style

Stella, Lorena, Joana Tenente, Rita Quental, Helena Santos, and Miguel Leo. "MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 6 (2022), 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Stella, Lorena, Joana Tenente, Rita Quental, Helena Santos, and Miguel Leo. "MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 6.2 (2022), 50-52. Print. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Stella, L., Tenente, . J., Quental, . R., Santos, . H. & Leo, . M. (2022) MYT1L duplication in a Portuguese patient with intellectual disability and obesity. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 6 (2), 50-52. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.MYT1LduplicationinaPortuguesepatientwithintellectualdisabilityandobesity