E-ISSN 2534-9821

Case Report
Online Published: 07 Jun 2022

Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine

Aldin Kajmakovic, Azra Kozo Kajmakovic, Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic.

Aims: As a single-case study, the aim of this paper is to present a description of brucellosis spondylodiscitis with a paravertebral abscess at C6/C7 cervical spine segment.
Methodology: Qualitative research method was used in the research as it was deemed appropriate for this type of research analysis. Diagnostic procedures used in the research include Laboratory tests, microbiological analysis, MRI scans of the cervical spine, MRI scans of the thoracic spine, and MRI scans of the L/S spine.
Results: The results of MRI scans of the cervical spine indicated completely visible MR signs of spondylodiscitis at C6/C7 vertebrae, with minor epidural collection in the back part, more to the right. The results of MRI scans of the thoracic spine indicated intermittent Schmorl hernia in individual thoracic vertebrae. The results of MRI scans of the L/S spine indicated flattened physiological lordosis and moderate degenerative changes of the L/S spine defined as the type of spondylosis and facet arthrosis. It also includes disc hernia in the described levels with no relevant manifestations of dural sac compression. They are the same at levels L2/L3 and L3/L4 and directed intraforaminal left (especially at L3/L4 level) consequently resulting in radiculopathy.
Conclusions: This is a representation of the severe form of the chronic brucellosis with Spondylodiscitis of the cervical spine and with paravertebral abscess resulting from brucellosis and Q fever. Having in mind that the patient abandoned the hospital ward upon his request, he was not properly treated.

Key words: Spondylodiscitis, Brucellosis, Infection, Cervical spine, Magnetic resonance imaging

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Pubmed Style

Kajmakovic A, Kajmakovic AK, Kuburovic JC. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. 2022; 6(5): 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

Web Style

Kajmakovic A, Kajmakovic AK, Kuburovic JC. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. https://www.mdpub.net/?mno=87665 [Access: March 18, 2025]. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Kajmakovic A, Kajmakovic AK, Kuburovic JC. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. 2022; 6(5): 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Kajmakovic A, Kajmakovic AK, Kuburovic JC. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. Int J Med Rev Case Rep. (2022), [cited March 18, 2025]; 6(5): 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

Harvard Style

Kajmakovic, A., Kajmakovic, . A. K. & Kuburovic, . J. C. (2022) Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. Int J Med Rev Case Rep, 6 (5), 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

Turabian Style

Kajmakovic, Aldin, Azra Kozo Kajmakovic, and Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic. 2022. Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 6 (5), 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

Chicago Style

Kajmakovic, Aldin, Azra Kozo Kajmakovic, and Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic. "Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 6 (2022), 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Kajmakovic, Aldin, Azra Kozo Kajmakovic, and Jasmina Corovic Kuburovic. "Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 6.5 (2022), 65-68. Print. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Kajmakovic, A., Kajmakovic, . A. K. & Kuburovic, . J. C. (2022) Brucellosis spondylodiscitis with vertebral abscess at C6/C7 segment of cervical spine. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 6 (5), 65-68. doi:10.5455/IJMRCR.20220222105507